Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jen Maddocks Designs CT Layouts

Scrapbooking is my creative outlet, and I am really having lots of fun working on the Creative Team of both Jen Maddocks and Jen C. Here are the latest layouts I have done for Jen Maddocks.

This one is made using Jen's Summer Getaway Mini Kit! This is one of my favorite places to visit while we are in the South. Jekyll Island is a state park, and you have to pay $5 to get on the island, which keeps the beach less crowded and clean. It is so beautiful there, and one of these days I want to go on a week-long vacation there!

This page was made for the Leaving a Legacy challenge at Digi Scrap Mania, where we were asked to make a page with five random things about ourselves. I had so much fun putting this page together, and I love it because I rarely scrap about myself... It was a nice change of pace! This page uses Jen's newest Kit: One Fine Day.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jen C Designs CT Layout

Ok I had a blast playing with Jen's new kit... So many bright colors! I finally got some pics scrapped that have just been sitting in my hard drive!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Challenge Layouts

OK, so I have been having a blast over at Digi Scrapbook Mania where both of my designers sell their items. I have been doing the challenges that they post over there every month and when you finish them all by the end of the month there is a free kit, and if you get enough points even a $5 gift certificate!!! Well, I don't know if I am going to be able to get either prize this month I have been having lots of fun trying! Here are the first three layouts for challenges!

Font Challenge:
For this page, we had to use the font Calvin and Hobbes found at

Scraplift Challenge:

For this page I had to choose a Layout to scraplift.

Scrap this way Challenge:

For this challenge, you are given a list of items you have to use, and are able to be creative within those guidelines!

So much fun! You should come over and join us! Click this link: Digi Scrapbook Mania Forums
and go down to challenges! And if you do, send me the link so I can check it out! See ya later!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jen Maddocks Designs

Ok, here are the pages I've made for Jen Maddocks... Get all of her newest kits here.

These two use her Grow Kit:

This one uses her Quilt Templates and the Papers are from the Tooth Fairy Kit.

Comments are welcome and please check out Jen's store!!

New Jen C Designs CT Layouts!

Jen C just released a new kit called Just Another Day and here is my layout!! I love the colors and the elements! Check out her store here.

Friday, June 4, 2010

More Scrapbook Pages

Ok, so I sometimes don't do so well with updating my blog, so here are some of the layouts I have finished over the last few months.

Creative Team!

I have been asked to be a part of two creative teams this week! I am so excited... I love scrapbooking and it will be so fun to have lots of new inspiration! I just love their designs and am really looking forward to incorporating them into my scrapbook pages!

The first lady is Jen Maddocks and you can check out her blog here.

And the next designer is Jen C. Again very talented designer! Check out her blog here.

Be watching over the next few months for pages with items from both of these talented designers! And please support them by checking out their stores!